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Pedagogical Approach

Through interaction and play, we provide the development of the emotional, body, sensory, cognitive and social skills conducive to leading a healthy and fulfilling life!

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Learning through Play

Our educational practices are grounded in the Montessori Method and the early education program of the Italian Reggio Emilia schools. In both approaches the learning process develops within a socio-constructivist perspective, in which knowledge is constructed through the subject’s action in multiple sensory experiences. Children learn when they establish relationships – with themselves, with others, with the environment. They learn through play!

English Immersion

Immersion bilingual education is defined as a form of education that offers content-based instruction in the second language for extended periods of time, with intentional development of linguistic and academic skills in both languages (mother tongue and second language), besides providing cultural diversity through the enhancement of intercultural competencies.

Bilingual immersion programs are recognized for three main goals common to all: focus on academic performance; bilingualism and biliteracy; advancement of cultural competence.

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A convivência com crianças de outras idades, no mesmo grupo de aprendizagem, favorece o desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais.

Multi-Age Classrooms

Each child has specific skills, abilities and interests; when interaction happens in a group with children of others ages, everyone finds learning partners.

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